
Getting Business Off The Ground


  • Monese


  • FinTech


  • Mobile App Development


  • iOS and Android development

  • Product implementation

  • Quality assurance in development and delivery

Monese is a UK-based mobile-only challenger bank that offers everyday banking services to customers across Europe. The company was founded in 2013 with a goal to offer financial services to those traditionally excluded from the banking system. Monese was the first mobile-only banking service in the UK, onboarding their customers fully on the mobile app. Their proprietary “Know Your Customer” technology can validate a customer’s identity in real-time, allowing accounts to be opened in a matter of minutes.

What challenges did Monese face?

Monese needed to have their Android and iOS apps built to get the business off the ground. They needed the application to be compliant with the banking regulation and as Monese was the very first mobile-only banking company in the UK, there was a lot to figure out technically. As the application was going to be the primary touch-point for the customer, it needed to be reliable, fast, and secure. The architecture of it also had to be built in a way that would allow for rapid feature development right after launch.

What was the solution

Mooncascade built Monese’s native Android (Java) and iOS (Swift) mobile apps from scratch, making sure it provided a great user experience and world-class security. Mooncascade delivered native applications for both the Android and iOS platforms on time and with the expected quality.

Thanks to Mooncascade, Monese was able to involve a team of highly experienced product professionals and bring their products to market quicker. They did not have to hire in-house developers and were able to take advantage of Mooncascade’s already well-functioning team and shorten the onboarding time significantly. The know-how that Mooncascade’s mobile engineers, product managers, and QA engineers brought with them, helped Monese launch their service in their first markets on time. The solid architecture Mooncascade’s developers built, allowed for rapid scaling after the initial launch.

As Monese started the gradual move towards their in-house team, Mooncascade made sure to take time for a proper hand-over to ensure the new team had a full picture of the apps and the codebase. Mooncascade was also a stand-by partner for a few years after that, coming in to help whenever Monese needed to scale up new functionalities and services quickly.

Monese Mobile Application

Mooncascade has been building our Mobile product since day one, throughout all its transformations. Our deep partnership with this software development company has an important role in our global success today and also in the future.

Norris Koppel, Founder & CEO

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